Inauguration Ceremony, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Janmotsava, 19 Mar 2023, 11:30 AM, Chhindwara IN
100th Centeniary Year Celebration, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Janmotsav 2023 शर मतज नरमलदव जनमतसव 2023 10 मनट पहल जईन कर Please Join 10 Minutes before We welcome all Sahajayogi brothers and sisters of the world to join Live Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Janmotsava on behalf of Indian Collectivity. जय शर मतज भरतय समहकत क ओरस, शर मतज जनमसथल छदवड, मधयपरदश , livefromChhindwaraShrine, pratishthanpunelive, sahajayogameditation, kundaliniawakening, shrimataji, morningmeditationlive, punepratishthanlive, pratishthanpunelivetoday, ShriMatajiNirmalaDeviJanmotsav2022 SAHAJYOG AAJ KA MAHAYOG SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI S BIRTH PLACE CHHINDWARA