Following NEW Players STRUGGLING with Siege
Part 4 of the Adventures of Seale and Roy, where I follow a new player learning siege, observing their movements and thought process. Siege is a hard game to learn and get good at, and this is a great comical representation of what it s like. Enjoy these funny moments WATCH LIVE: 2nd CHANNEL: FOLLOW ME: Discord: Twitter: Instagram: EDITED BY: AnteMeridiem THUMBNAIL ARTIST: WHAT I USE: Outro Music: Falling Skies Headset: Arctis 7 Steel Series, use code YOBOYROY for 12 off Mouse and Keyboard: G Pro Wireless, Ducky One Mini 2 with silver switches SENSITIVITY: PC: vert 14, horizontal 14, ads 63, dpi 400 PS4: vert 53, horizontal 60, ads 36, deadzones 5 XB: vert 36, horizontal 42, ads 40, deadzones 5 About yoboyRoy: Hey everyone Welcome to my channel whe