Ordained Adventist Female Pastor Screams for the Pentecostal Fire
Beforethe loud cry of thethirdangelis given, he Satan raises anexcitementin these religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them (Early Writings, p. 261). Kimberly Bulgin is the first woman pastor to be ordained by the Mid America Union Conference and, according to reports, with the full support of North American Division President G. Alexander Bryant. 1 On October 19, 2024, Kimberly Bulgin was the featured speaker for the Germantown Seventhday Adventist Churchs 31day Ignite Revival 2024. During her message, she urged Adventists not to be afraid of embracing charismatic styles of worshipeven as she screamed for the fire of the Holy Spirit to fall down from heaven. 2 There is an effort to bring Pentecostal worshipwith its intense emotions, repetitive prayers, and ecstatic expressionsinto Adventism. This is a deceptive and misleading tactic of Satan designed to give the impression that Gods presence and approval still rests upon church