If You Grew Up in the 1970s You
Join me for a nostalgic look back at what summer was really like for kids of the 1970s. In the glorious days before cell phones and social media, American kids experienced a level of freedom and independence that today s kids would just not understand. Generation X were the original latchkey kids. Our adventures began after a big bowl of cereal in the morning and came to an end when the streetlights came on. In this video, we ll saddle up on the banana seat of the ol Schwinn StingRay for a visit back to the playground, community pool, and roller rink, ending the day with some night games in the neighborhood. I really appreciate you watching these videos and reading this far in the description. I know there s plenty more that could have gone into this one. Please feel free to share your 70s memories in the comments so we can all be reminded of those great times when we were kids. (NOTE: As of Sunday, June 16th Early AM Comments are occasionally shutt