Shrinking the Play Station 5
TINY PS5 The smallest PS5 with detachable disc drive We couldn t settle for the 30 reduction in size from the new PlayStation 5, so we took it further Support the insanity on patreon: Buy a cool hat and feed Erick more sphaghettios: Join our Discord: Music: No Time To Lose 00:02 00:49 Deep Thoughts 01:20 04:25 Chapters: 1. Meet Tiny PS5 00:00 00:49 2. WHY 00:50 01:19 3. Crafting Montage 01:20 04:25 4. Features 04:26 04:50 5. TINY Cooling 04:51 06:28 6. Power 06:29 06:44 7. Front Bezel 06:45 06:54 8. Storage Hacks 06:55 07:15 9. Controller Charging 07:16 07:51 10. External Disc Drive 07:52 09:05 11. TINY PS5 vs Stock PS5 09:06 09:49 12. Thermal Results 09:50 10:14 13. WOW 10:15 11:30 , BambulabGlobal, bambulabX1C, 3dprinting, consolemods, machining, playstation