Have Mercy Ps 51
Against Thee, only, I have sinned As Im in sin, struggling again I fall deeper into it, with no strength to overcome Into wickedness my feet have run But I cry to you as Im sinking in the grave God, have mercy on me, I pray To my loving God, who is mighty to save For Youre mighty to save me Youre my only hope, my only victory Youre my victory Jesus Christ, who died for me My only hope, my only victory My Lord, who died for me Create in me a clean heart, Oh God Forgive me for my sin Purge me with hyssop So that I can live Wash me clean, Oh Lord, And in Thy presence Ill remain Have mercy, I pray Have mercy today Have mercy, I pray Cast me not away from Your presence From Your presence For a broken and contrite spirit Thou will not despise Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation Create in me a clean heart Renew a right spirit within me Renew Your love within me Take not away Thy loving Holy Spirit Without Your S