Fakir and Ahiru Relationship Development Princess Tutu ( Fakiru ふぁきあひ)
Princess Tutu プリンセスチュチュ (2002) is a Japanese magical girl anime series created by Ikuko Itoh, centered around ballet. The following video is a compilation of all the key interactions between the main characters: Fakir and Ahiru (Sometimes referred to as Duck). From death threats and intimidation to understanding each other, working towards a common goal and vowing to be by each other s side forever. Fakir and Ahiru s relationship progress is an example of well written character development and story telling, all in less than an hour and a half. Fakiru Fakiahi ふぁきあひ 0:00 Akt 1 The Duck and the Prince 1:20 Akt 2 Heart Shard 1:40 Akt 3 The Princess s Vow 2:30 Akt 5 On the Night of the Fire Festival 4:40 Akt 6 Dreaming Aurora 6:31 Akt 8 The Warrior s Fountain 10:48 Akt 9 Black Shoes 10:59 Akt 10 Cinderella 15:31 Akt 11 La Sylphide 19:10 Akt 12