Making My First SHIELD Ever
AD: For NordVPNs 9th birthday, every purchase of a 2year plan will get you 1 additional month free AND a surprise gift. Go to and use code nerdforge Thanks to our Patrons: MERCH: This time we re making an epic elven, elf inspired fantasy shield to compliment the armor I made a while ago Links marked with are affiliation links that helps out the channel. Thanks MATERIALS: 4mm plywood Black spray laquer Gloss clear coat 3mm veg tan leather for the straps UV resin Alclad airbrush paint in the colors: Chrome Silver candy base Violet enamel Polished brass Klear Kote Gloss TOOLS: Ratchet straps large pvc pipe Endless clamps Wood glue Misc electrical sanders Laser cutter (alternatively scroll saw or coping saw) Airbrush Basic leatherworking tools for the straps OUR FILM AUDIO GEAR: