Stacy Carolin. Региональное опустынивание и песчаные бури (шамаль) на протяжении 3 го Mill. BC
Stacy Carolin Department of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge TIMING OF REGIONAL DRYING AND CHANGES IN FREQUENCY AND, OR STRENGTH OF SHAMAL DUST EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE 3RD MILL. BC Humantimescale palaeoclimate records are a critical tool for exploring the relationship between past societies and their environment. I present here a unique archive for reconstructing past rainfall and dust events in the Mesopotamia region a cave stalagmite collected from the Alborz Mountains in northern Iran. A majority of aeolian dust which reaches the south side of the Alborz mountains is sourced from the Mesopotamia region. The age model of the Iran stalagmite suggests that the stalagmite formed continuously through the 3rd mill. BC, producing a 1500y climate and environmental record able to be sampled up to annual resolution. The ratio of Mg, Ca in the stalagmite exhibits sudden increases from 25602450 BCE (110 y) and 23102020 BCE (290 y), interpreted as shifts to periods of increased Mesopotamiasou