The Great and Powerful Eq D, Take 2
2 months ago I got an idea: Challenge accepted 2 months later I completed that idea: Nailed it Thanks to my buds Goose and Iceman for not going mental having to deal with me over the past 2 months MOAR fun facts: While the animation was running my system peaked at 12. 3 GB s of RAM used, and 100 CPU usage across all 6 cores The framerate of the animation is set to 5 FPS due to redstone repeater limitations, but near the end it was barely maintaining 2 FPS due to the system load. Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were the only ones that I chose placement of in the line, the others I randomly picked. For the record, I have no favorite pony, they are all best pony When I shut off the Minecraft server it deletes the animation, this video you see here is all that s left (this is tru