How Anatolian Rock Was Hidden From The World
Enter 1970s Turkey, where a new genre fusing Western Psychedelia with Turkish Folk is catching the country by storm. However, a political upheaval disrupts the culture, making Anatolian Rock a shadow to the world. Anatolian Rock Foundation: DISCLAIMER I am not an expert on Anatolian Rock or Turkish history, just an enthusiast. A apologize in advance for butchering certain pronunciations. I ve compiled research from online articles and conducted interviews with avid fans. Do not take my content as gospel. I simply wish to share music and allow new ears land on cool sounds. Works cited is below. Tingo Theme Song: Songs Used (In Order Of Appearance): Vishnu Patrick Patrikios Yagmur Erkin Koray Iron Butterfly Theme Iron Butterly Sevenler Ağlarmış 3 Hürel Cemalım Erkin Koray Dolana Mustafa Özkent Dün Bugün Yarın Merhaba Lalalar İsyanlar Ince Ince Selda Bagcan Köprüden Geçti