A massive Josh Hutcherson photoslide
Yeah its REALLY I got most of the pics from tumblr. some from google, some from fan sites, and some from other places. The people in the video (besides josh) that i know of are as follows: Connor Hutcherson, Chris Hutcherson, Michelle Hutcherson, Lanchen Milhalic, Shannon Wada, Victoria Justice, Avan Jogia, his great grandmother, his dog Diesel, his aunt Amanda, Rochella WhateverherlastnameisitbeginswithaD, Simon Curtis, Brendan Fraser, Shanley Caswell, Mitchell Musso, AnnaSophia Robb, Kristen Stewart, Jonah Bobo, Mia Waskfisgnlsakowsjki or something (xD), and a whole bunch of people who i either forgot or dont know. THANKS 4 WATCHING :D plz comment or message me if you s got any questions or anything :P br, br,