Oanh Death 1080p Casualties of War (1989, Brian De Palma), War Drama Film
Even in war murder is murder. Una de mis escenas favoritas, una gran y emotiva escena de este gran film belico dirigido por el gran Brian De Palma, con un elenco de primer nivel, pelicula bastante escondida dentro de su filmografia y algo escondida tambien dentro de las peliculas de este estilo, a lo Platoon o Full Metal Jacket. Muy recomendable, me parece un grandioso film con un soundtrack demasiado brillante de la mano de Ennio Morriconne, que en paz descanse. Disfrutenlo, me despido. From Argentina with Love. One of my favorite scenes, a great and emotional scene from this great warlike film directed by the great Brian De Palma, with a firstrate cast, a film quite hidden within his filmography and something hidden also within the films of this style, like Platoon or Full Metal Jacket. Highly recommended, I think it s a great film with a too brilliant soundtrack by Ennio Morriconne, may he rest in peace. Enjoy it, I say goodbye. From Argentina