Pastel Portrait Tutorial Drawing Hair With Pastel Pencils. With some real time footage
Pastel Portrait Tutorial: In this Narrated video of my Super Talented great nephew Kai I share with you my techniques and tip on how I achieve his curly please watch right to the end as here and there I show real time footage. My great nephew plays for under 9 s Derby County FC been there since the age of 6 and got offered professional contract to sign for the club at age 8. He plays in the Premier League youth division. My passion is to help you to create realistic and soulful portraits. If you found this video useful please give it a like. Be sure to comment and say hello and let me know what kind of videos you d like to see. If you want to see more of my work be sure to check out my social media and my website links below. PATREON: For a quick look at all the Check out all the benefits my Patreon SUPER THANKS: If you feel you would lik