The Gruffalos Child 2011
The Gruffalo s Child is a 2011 short computer animated television film based on the 2004 picture book of the same name written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. A sequel to The Gruffalo, the film was shown on Christmas Day 2011 in the United Kingdom, exactly two years after the debut of the first film. The story is about the Gruffalo s daughter who, despite her father s warning, sets off into the deep dark wood to find the big bad mouse, the only thing her father is afraid of. The Gruffalo can not remember what he looks like and describes him as a monster. During her winter journey, she encounters the tracks of the snake, the owl, and the fox from the previous story, each of whom she first suspects to be the big bad mouse, but who in turn tell her where she can find the real big bad mouse. Eventually, concluding she has been tricked by the animals (and perhaps her father), she sadly decides that she doesn t believe in the big bad mouse.