Old School Vs New School Special Exhibition Battle Red Bull BC One USA Camp 2021 B Boy Network
Red Bull BC One USA Camp 2021 Old School Vs New School Special Exhibition Battle Old School Orko (Air Force) Ronnie (Full Force, Super Cr3w, 7CZ, Red Bull BC One All Stars) Wicket (Renegade Rockers, Footwork Fantix) Keebz (Mind 180, Squadron, Flipside Kings) Flomaster (Footwork Fantix) Orb (Circle Of Fire) New School Victor (MF Kidz, Squadron, Red Bull BC One All Stars) Kate (MZK) Kastet (316, Red Bull BC One All Stars) Logistx (Underground Flow, Red Bull BC One All Stars) Doug (Future Force, BreakinMIA, Monster Energy) Somar (Renegade Rockers, Middle Beast) During the intermission, a special exhibition battle will see old and new generation breakers go headtohead on the stage. Flo Master, Orko, Orb, Wicket, Ronnie represent the Old School. Kastet, Logistx, Kate, Victor, Somar, and Doug will represent the New Watch The Replay: , redbullbcone, redbullusa, redbulldance