Tomb Raider Louvre Galleries Walkthrough ( Aug 15, 2021)
Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) Louvre Galleries Walkthrough Demo Patch: (Aug 15, 2021 3rd update) Level By : Delca Story After retrieving Werner Von Croy s notebook from his colleague, Margot Carvier, Lara learns that her former mentor had discovered the location of the fourth Obscura Painting beneath the Another same demo again, but in this demo. You ll see Extra areas , Different Traps , New Items and moved different locations This is much better than the first update. People, it s time to replay the wonderful demo again Seeking List : 1:23 Carvier s Security Pass 3:50 Secret, 1 Tomb Raider I (CD) 4:40 Desert Ranger 7:23 Secret, 2 Tomb Raider II (CD) 12:03 Vinyl Record 14:05 Unidentified Artifact 14:59 Secret, 3 Tomb Raider III (CD) 15:34 Artifact Fragment 18:41 Paper The Wheel For people who love TRAOD must play this masterpiece ,