Hey 1 10kv bt gate x138 2 petrichor pyrmont 3 mysticism aura minimum 4 400kv bt gate138 5 ornare subset 6 excitare sub astra smooth 7 twilight meadow tvsky 8 heavenchord 9 indrid cold smiles again lotech, hijack. 10 wavelength francisco fuentes 11 the waves thomas carmody 12 locus subset SUPPORT THE CHANNEL timecode 0:00 10kv bt gate x138 6:50 petrichor pyrmont 11:10 mysticism aura minimum 20:22 400kv bt gate138 25:25 ornare subset 31:32 excitare sub astra smooth 43:35 twilight meadow tvsky 47:30 heavenchord 54:58 indrid cold smiles again lotech, hijack. 58:15 wavelength francisco fuentes 1:03:35 the waves thomas carmody 1:08:08 locus subset