Girl Rangers Meet Buffalo Bill (1959)
Shepperton, Middlesex. M, S of a group of Girl Horse Rangers wandering about a Wild West set with a stage coach and a Ranger Stores, in the background is the big top of a circus tent. M, S of three Girl Rangers attending to a skewbald pony. Frontiersman Captain Shoosmith enters and examines the pony s saddle because of the qualifications needed before a man can be admitted to the select legion of Frontiersmen, there are comparatively few young men in it, and so many of the tricks that would otherwise be lost are passed on to these enthusiastic youngsters. One of the girls, Jill Scoble, mounts the pony. C, U of Captain S. talking. C, U of Jill looking downwards Captain S. is giving them a lesson in the use of spurs. C, U of Captain S. fastening spurs to Jill s boots. Captain S. moves Jill s feet in the stirrups, digging her spurs into pony s side. Low angle C, U of the horse flinching in pain. M, S of five Frontiersmen looking on they are dressed in Mountie style uniforms and some have rows