Trump attends banquet at the Akasaka Palace
(6 Nov 2017) US President Donald Trump s visit to Japan was winding up on Monday evening with a state banquet in Tokyo hosted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and First Lady Akie Abe. Trump and US First Lady Melania Trump were escorted into the banquet hall by the Japanese couple. Addressing the gathering, Abe stressed the importance of golf diplomacy, following his game with Trump the previous day. Through golf we could demonstrate to the world how strong the bond is between Japan and the United States, he said, before toasting the presidential couple. Trump made reference to the controversial meeting between the two shortly after his own election victory in 2016, which was against protocol because he was yet to take office. He explained that he had called Abe who was already on his way to the meeting, but that things had worked just fine Trump said that the two countries would have incredible friendship and incredible success for man