Danny Kaye Comes Back (1948)
Full title reads: DANNY KAYE COMES BACK. Heathrow Airport, London. Danny Kaye and wife Sylvia (Sylvia Fine) alighting from plane and walking towards camera. Danny Kaye standing on steps of plane, pan to reception committee a band, photographers, press, dignitaries etc. Long shot of Danny Kaye standing on steps, people around. Close up shot of Danny Kaye and wife. Long shot of Pathe reporter John Parsons walking up steps to Danny Kaye and wife. Close up shot of Parsons, Danny Kaye and wife Parsons interviews him (natural sound). He is thrilled to take part in Royal Command Performance, he does not know definitely when he can tour across England, he has many new songs and gags and he is very tired and wants to go to hotel. Parsons, Danny Kaye and wife walk down steps. Close up shot of Danny Kaye walking down steps. Crowd holding banner The London Palladium welcomes back the President of the Long shot of Danny Kaye walking with crowd following. FILM A VIDEO FROM