Lindsay Duke: Music by Lindz, Vegas Live with Ninon
Lindz is a 17 yearold singer, songwriter, recording artist, and entrepreneur. She writes her own songs, record cover songs written by Legends in the industry, and create CLEAN skincare by hand. She s been a singer since she was 3 years old, and she just started her journey with entrepreneurship last year in August. Follow her on major social media music platforms musicbylindz Host: Ninon The Influencer Support Ninon by Joining and Subscribing on Brought to you by: Social Media Shows Network Executive Producer: Maria Pureza We are live in realtime streaming on major social media platforms We provide service for livestreaming. Inquire by sending an email to , lindsayduke, musicbylindz, youngentrepreneur, vegaslivewithninon, socialmediashows, publicrelations, advertising, marketing