Tuatha Dea Open Letter to You OFFICIAL VIDEO
Open Letter to You is dedicated to the memory of all our loved ones and to the hearts that hold them sacred. This video, produced by Jesse Jones of Nightsong Studios, illustrates beautifully what is unquestionably the most intimate and heartfelt song released by Tuatha Dea to date. Written as a personal note and expression of love for the loss of someone special, the band recognized it s universal message and opted to record it while working at Lakeside Studios with Travis Wyrick to share with anyone who had ever experienced loss and not had the chance to say the things they would have, should have or wanted to. In 2020 Dave Maggard of Sound Biscuit Produced an amazing remixed version before having this labor of love mastered by Grammy Winning Paul Blakemore. All culminating in this Heartfelt accompaniment to the astounding visual art of Jesse Jones. We are honored to share this personal message of love with all who need it or wish to send it. You ve got mail.