Invasion Scenes (1944)
Unused, unissued material. Location and dates unknown, unclear. Various shots of American soldiers chopping down trees with axes. They tie explosive charges round tree trunk. LS of explosion bringing down tree. More shots of trees being cleared by explosion. Aerial shots of field hospital marked with large Red Cross. Shots of American troops eating an drinking in a tent. VS of RAF (Royal Air Force) planes taking off from rough airfield. Shots of injured being loaded on stretcher into plane by medics. More of the same. VS of flying ambulances being prepared and taking off. Ranks of planes on airfield. American crew stand under nose of plane called Jeanne. Shots of American soldier on field radio. LS of explosions. LS of small plane landing in field. CU of pilot in cockpit. Small plane is moved on ground by two soldiers they hide it under trees. Shots of pilot getting out. Shots of plane taking off and landing again. It may be a spotter plane for artillery guns. Shots of soldiers lo