Bob Odenkirk s Training to Become an Action Star, Train Like a Celebrity, Mens Health
Better Call Saul s Bob Odenkirk never thought he d be in an action movie. Beside stunt actor Daniel Bernhardt, he shows us the workout he used to get into screenfighting action star shape, to play Hutch Mansell in Nobody. Watch more Men s Health Train Like a Celebrity videos HERE: BOB ODENKIRK S NOBODY WORKOUT CARDIO Bike Riding (10 minutes) STUNT CONDITIONING Stunt Coordinating Drills (15 minutes) PULLUPS Bodyweight Pullups (3 sets of 10 reps) CIRCUIT TRAINING Bodyweight Box Jumps (4 sets of 25 reps) Bodyweight PushUps (4 sets of 25 reps) Bodyweight Squats (4 sets of 25 reps) Mixed Ab Exercises (4 rounds of 1 minute) BOXING CONDITIONING Boxing Rounds (3 rounds of 3 minutes) SUBSCRIBE to Men s Health: MEN S HEALTH SHOWS: Gym Fridge: