Py Qt5 Tutorial 4 Py Qt5 Textbox, QLine Edit Widget
code Welcome to this video on PyQt5 Tutorial. In this video We will see How to add a PyQt5 textbox to our window. so we will see how to use QLineEdit Widget with our First PyQt5 Application. Qt a crossplatform C++ application development framework. Qt is Widely used to develop GUI programs, in this case also known as the Department Toolbox. Qt Can also be used to develop nonGUI programs, such as controls Desk tools and servers. Qt is a free and open source software that is looser in GNU Published under the terms of the public license. All versions support a wide range Compiler, including GCC C++ compiler and Visual Studio. PyQt is one of the GUI programming solutions for the Python language. PyQt Can be used instead of Pyt. .., ProgrammingKnowledge, FirstPyQt5Application, PyQt5, python, PythonGUI, PyGTK, wxPython, PyQt, PyKDE, Qt 20191116 NWFXW02f82w