Part 2 Esther Tian Chinese Author of Invisible Summit
Episode 148 Please welcome to the podcast Author and Former Chinese Journalist Esther Tian. Esther is the Author of the book Invisible Summit which came out in 2023. Invisible Summit is based on the documentary movie which starred Zhang Hong. It s an amazing story on how he is the first blind Asian mountaineer to climb Mt Everest. Esther was also a former Chinese Journalist and was able to interview some of the worlds biggest leaders in politics. She talks about her interviews with the advisor to Putin, the leaders of Qatar, Australia UAE, Turkey. She also talks about her trip to Africa where she did a story for the Gates Foundation Chinese charity and her trip to Syrian refugee camp. . The sponsor of the podcast is Project Reverse Live Pro Wrestling at the Modern Sky Lab 3st May. We have 2 free tickets to the show. To win send me a private message with the code I announced on this podcast. First person with the correct code will win the tickets Wechat tianjiawei000 tell