Четвертый сын навещает мать (四郎探母) 2, 2 English subtitles
UPDATE: Please see the comment from Zh. Ningning below for some explanations of the two Guojius idioms. My amateur translation. No copyright infringement intended. Silang Visits His Mother was written some time during the Qing Dynasty, though the name of its author has been lost. It is probably one of the most popular pieces within the jingju repertoire. Random notes on the translation: I went for clarity more than accuracy in many places. For this and other reasons, there is a great deal that has been lost in translation, but it would take a long time to explain why this is so. (一言难尽哪 ) 四郎, Silang literally means something like fourth young man and is an older way of referring to a fourth son. Thus, Silang Visits His Mother The Fourth Son Visits His Mother. Yang Yanhui s surname, 杨, Yang, is composed of the radicals 木+易 in