Dussek: Complete Piano Sonatas Vol. 8 Sonatinas
Volume 8 of the complete Piano Sonatas by Lan Ladislaw Dussek, played on period instruments. Czech composer Jan Ladislaw Dussek (17601812) was a pupil of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, and became one of the first piano virtuosos, traveling and concertising in many European countries. During his 10year stay in London he developed with the manufacturer Broadwood the first 6foot piano, extending its technical possibilities to a great extent. Dusseks piano works, rooted in CPE Bachs Sturm und Drang style, look forward to the Romantic era, in its use of Affetti, dramatic contrasts and gestures and an unheardof virtuosity. Dussek wrote extensively for the emerging middleclass. Every young lady of good origin learned to sing and play an instrument, usually the piano. The Sonatinas and the 12 Progressive Lessons on this new recording afforded perfect material for the aspiring amateurs: of average difficulty is provided plenty of good tunes and a representative display of skills. Compos