Saraswathi Shloka ( Ya Kundendu Tushaara Haara Dhavalaa)
This video is a humble offering at the feet of our mother Saraswathi. Saraswathi is the goddess of arts, music, knowledge, and wisdom. Saraswathi is considered as the divine consort of Lord Brahma, the Creator of the universe. Saraswathi is regarded as the destroyer of chaos and confusion. Ya Kundendu Tushaara Haara Dhavalaa Ya Shubhra Vastraavrita Ya Veena Vara Danda Manditakara Ya Shveta Padmaasana Ya Brahma Achyutaha Shankara Prabrithibhih Devai Sadaa Poojitha Saa Maam Paatu Saraswathi Bhaga