Tonikawa: Pure Love
, tonikawa, tonikaku, kawaii Discord (Not Mine): Twitter: Patreon: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:33 Background 3:38 Tonikawa 8:50 Credits Stray Notes: I forgot to white balance it so it just looks like I m bloodshot. If I was drunk that d be true. This kinda defeats the purpose of calling this section Stray Notes I didn t know whether to name it Tonikawa, Tonikaku Kawaii, Tonikaku Cawaii, or Fly Me to the Moon, so here we are Text: Japan Gripped by Obsession with Pure Love, Freedman, Alisa. Train Man and the Gender Politics of Japanese Otaku Culture: The Rise of New Media, Nerd Heroes and Consumer Communities, Debating Otaku in Contemporary Japan, 2015. Media (Asterisks