Gang Beasts E3 Trailer
If you have Gang Beasts on Steam Early Access and want to playtest the three new stages shown in the E3 trailer (the chute, elevators, and tower stages) you can download the current unstable alpha build (it is referenced as unstable as it is updated more frequently than the default build and has had less testing). To download the current unstable alpha build rightclick on the game name on the Steam library page and select Properties from the dialogue window that opens, from this window select the BETAS tab then the unstable option from the dropdown menu (the menu labelled Select the beta you would like to opt into: (to revert back to the last stable branch select NONE Opt out of all beta programs from the same menu). For reference switching between unstable and stable branches of the game forces the selected build to download to the Steam client. Gang Beasts is an Early Access game and is currently in uninterrupted development, the 0. 1. x and 0. 2. x builds have bugs, partially