Hotel California Ukulele Tutorial Easy Strummer Version
Hotel California Ukulele Tutorial Easy Strummer Version Tabs, Chords available here: Today I am going to show you how to play this super classic rock and roll top billboard hit campfire sing a long. This tune is just so good in so many settings, and if we drop it down to the key of A minor, it is really easy too I will walk you through how to play the song, the strum pattern, all the chords and than we will do a playalong with the lyrics on the screen, if you are a Patreon you have a PDF to printout and follow a long in front of you that includes the other verses and chorus as well. The original key of this tune is in B minor, once I have five comments below telling me they want the full version I will record the tune in B minor and we will do all the finger picking, plus the harmonized outro at the end Awesome I just need five comments first. If you want to learn to play ukulele, fingerpicking, rock and roll, the b br, br,