Diagnosing Public Figures, Donald Trump, Narcissistic Personality Disorder Controversy
This video answers the question: Can a mental health counselor (or other professional) diagnose a public figure This video also specifically looks at the controversy with Donald Trump, including how some public figures and professional have attempted to diagnose him with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and other mental disorders. Ethical principles disallow the diagnosing of public figures, however, some clinicians have claimed that their duty to warn supersedes the ethical prohibitions (including the Goldwater Rule). Dr. Bandy Lee (The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump) and George Conway (Tweets about NPD and APD) have both weighed in on the discussion and their positions are analyzed here. Diagnostic criteria for NPD: grandiosity, fantasies of success, special or unique, requiring excessive admiration, sense of entitlement, manipulation, lack of empathy, envy, arrogance Diagnostic criteria for APD violating society s norms, lying, impulsivity, irritabilit