Top 8 Tents Specially Designed for Motorcycle Camping and Adventure Touring
Technically any lightweight and durable tent will do the job if you are setting on a long distance adventure or choose to use your bike as an overlander. However, if you not only want to shelter yourself from elements, but would also like to take care of the motorcycle storage overnight, you should definitely look into these specially designed tents that we are about to present to you. Besides providing a sleeping spot they come with extended canvases to cover the bike or even feature separate garage extensions. Subscribe to, MustSeeTech not to miss the upcoming camping and hightech episodes, smash that like button and lets roll the tape on the best motorcycle tents 0:48, 1 Lone Rider Mototent: During its eight years on the market, the Lone Riders signature MotoTent has undergone various modifications, but no concessions have been made in terms of safety, comfort and durability. 2:07, 2 Goose by Wingman of the Road: win