You ate what Episode 1 Calfs Foot Jelly
We re the cooking show which asks aloud what you are thinking: You ate what To start things off right we serve the dessert course first Episode 1 features boots on the ground, or should we say hooves Be sure to stay to the end. Each episode will feature an outtake or two from filming Dinner is served Directed by Steve Abolt Music by Sara and Maynard Johnson PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL We love bringing these tidbits and untold stories to you in video form. Musee de Venoge is an allvolunteer, nonprofit organization and we need YOUR help. Your donation helps us in our endeavors. Recipe source: A new System of Domestic Cookery, Maria Eliza Rundell The recipe: Boil 2 feet in 2 quarts and a pint of water till the feet are broken, and the water half wasted; strain, and when cold take off the fat, and remove the jelly from the sediment, then put it in a sauce pan, with sugar, raisin wine, lemon juice to your taste, and s