Home Front Blitz. Reel 5. (1940)
London Blitz. Firemen digging in rubble. Water pours from buildings. Devastated shop fronts, public carry away shop items, chairs and tables. A soldier picks up a female dummy wearing a new coat. Firemen direct hoses onto smouldering buildings in area of extreme devastation. UN247D Various shots men standing on iron girders, iron girders being moved and fixed into place. Possibly building a bridge across bomb damaged site. C, U of a sign which reads: City of Westminster Danger Unexploded Bomb ARP man keeps guard over a street closed due to unexploded bomb. Various shots of home guard moving rubble, women making their way to work. M, S of a closed off street with Danger Unexploded Bomb sign. ARP man stands guard. M, S of man coming of of a damaged shop with what looks like his accounts books in his hand. Other men follow carrying metal boxes. M, S of the men walking through the rubble with their boxes. M, S of a policeman walking through rubble (legs only). Another shot of one of the men seen