Brennan Shows Us How to DESTROY the Party
This clip comes to you from Critical Role s EXU: Calamity Ep. 4. SPOILERS You have been warned Brennan proceeds to open an unholy can of whup upon the party for a scene of devastation I have yet to see replicated Not only that, but Brennan manages to do this with his patented smirk emblazoned on his face ) Check out the ORIGINAL videos on Critical Role s YT page or on Twitch for the full episodes in all their goodness YT: Twitch: Want more Critical Role goodness Have an itch to see what Exandria Unlimited: Calamity has to offer Take a gander at my Calamity Clips playlist Have you enjoyed the Legends of Vox Machina animated series See how it compares to the original streams in the Critical Comparisons playlist As always critiques and comments are welcome What did you like, what could use some work Still relatively new to the YT creator world and I want improve all around so let s have a chat Join the JudgementFish crew if you like my content Content and other updates on Facebook