Celebrities Who Have Been Involved In The Occult
Religion and spirituality are deeply personal things, and not every belief system is a onesizefitsall kind of deal. For many people, mainstream religion just isnt their thing, and instead, theyve decided to march to beat of their own spiritual drum. If you arent living in the public eye, the decision to practice something less wellknown is easy to keep personal for celebrities, its a bit harder. While plenty of famous folks have undoubtably dabbled in at least a little magick who hasnt, after all theyre not always keen on sharing their experiences with the public. For these celebs, however, its a different story. Here are just a few celebrities who have been involved in the occult. , Occult, Actors, Celebs David Bowie, 0:14 Dan Aykroyd, 1:03 Sully Erna, 2:01 Sammy Davis Jr. , 2:57 Daryl Hall, 4:18 Jimmy Page, 5:11 Gisele Bündchen, 6:31 Alan Moore, 7:22 Grant Morrison, 8:13 Gabrielle Anwar, 9:26 Read Full Article: