The Home Wrecker (1930 1935)
Pro Patria Films Ltd present SECRETS OF NATURE. THE HOME WRECKER produced for British Instructional Films Ltd by Edgar Chance. Photography by E Hawkins Oliver Pike. Inter title: Mr Edgar Chance prepares to make the only existing film record of the activities of the Two man carry a large Hide across a field. It s in the shape of a haystack. They remove the lid and a third man climbs in and sits on a chair. The lid is closed and he peeps through the straw. Inter title: The Hide looks onto the Worcestershire common, where several pairs of Titlarks are happily engaged upon home GV a cottage at the edge of a field. CU Titlark. where, alas, a Cuckoo, newly arrived from Africa is on the lookout for nests in which to lay her eggs Her appearance on the common arouses terror among the Titlarks. WS birds flying frantically above the bushes. Having decided that a Titlarks nest will make a good nursery for one of her family, the Cuckoo swoops one