The Largest Owl In The World Rare And Beautiful Sights And Sounds Of The Giant Eagle Owl
Amazing footage of The Giant Eagle Owl filmed in Kruger National Park. its the largest owl in the world. As the biggest of all the Owls the Eagle owl is easily recognized by its huge size and wingspan. They are light grey in color, finely bared blackish above and below but no heavy blotching. The face is pale, boldly outlined in black, eyes look black at a distance and they have distinctive pink eyelids, which makes them very identifiable. Very similar to a huge Long Eared owl. The Eagle Owl is a pale sand color underneath with streaks of dark Brown or grey. Greyish head with a large powerful beak and large orange or yellow eyes and two ear tufts extending from over the eyes. They have huge powerful feet and talons. Read more: Beautiful, Original and High Quality Wildlife videos only on this channel. Please note: All videos on this channel were filmed by me only on my many Africa Adventures. Enjoy, Like and Subscribe for more. NOTE: This is