Electricity saving box Czech Republic ( CZ) Nejjednodušší způsob, jak ušetřit energii
With Electricity saving box, you can pay 3050 less electricity depending on the exact type of electricity you use. 25 Air conditioner, washing machine, mobile phone, clothes dryer. 15 Electric oven, iron, microwave, television, kitchen. 12 Refrigerators, boilers with electric motors. 20 Electric kettle, coffee maker, incandescent lamp, toaster. 15 Drill, Drill, Ring saw, Jigsaw. Click here to view more and buy: Offers Romania (RO): Price: 229 RON Offers Poland (PL): Price: 199 PLN Offers Slovakia (SK): Price: 49 EUR Offers Czech Republic (CZ): Price: 1300 Kč You may be interested: