Western Mercenaries In Ukraine Get Cruise Missiled By bad Russia 35 Dead
Western Mercenaries In Ukraine Get Cruise Missiled By bad Russia 35 Dead If you are a foreign mercenary the Geneva convention does not apply to you. You are fair game you want to fight on one side you are automatically an enemy of the second side Not happy they died, but it is a WAR, what did they expect Gay parade with pink dildos NO ONE dragged them there by force and it is a teachable moment now to some of them. .. It s not possible to lie and smear your way to victory anymore. You re on your own against an enemy that doesn t give a flying fuck if you ban him on reality, and you aren t going to be able to lie your way out of it this time. And we need to send there ALL lying presstitutes, liberal trash, then send the criminal politicians to clean up the gene pool source: