FOREARM Flexor Muscles Nerves Arteries and Clinical Correlations Sanjoy Sanyal
Educational Video created by Dr. Sanjoy Sanyal; Professor, Department Chair, Surgeon, Neuroscientist and Medical Informatician in the Western Hemisphere. It shows the surgical anatomy of the forearm muscles, vessels and nerves. Realtime dissection is shown. The specimen was harvested from a cadaver. Many clinical correlations are described. With realtime narration and relevant captions, it enhances the learning experience by means of a trimodal learning style approach Visual, Auditory, Textual. Cameraperson was Kendall Cumberbatch, with my Samsung Galaxy S8 12 MP frontfacing and 8 MP rearfacing cameras, who wishes you would like and subscribe to the channel. Hope you would not disappoint his enthusiasm. Thank you for watching. If you have any questions or comments, please put them in the comments section below. Have a nice day