Hellish Hecklers Try to Stop Pro Life Crusade in NYC
Sign your protest against Planned Parenthood here: Prolife New Yorkers attending the Gift of Life Walk in Manhattan stood in the cold rain as prolife leaders delivered stirring speeches. But as the march down Broadway got started, masked leftists with rainbow flags and offensive signs tried to stop the peaceful demonstration. They banged on metal, threw trash, and shouted vulgarities. NYPD officers were present. However, the peaceful prolifers continued the march to protect innocent, unborn life undeterred. Praying the rosary and singing hymns to Our Lady won the day. In this video, you will see TFP Student Action volunteers, with banners and bagpipes, proudly proclaiming Viva Cristo Rey as they march down the Canyon of Heroes in Manhattan to make the sin of abortion unthinkable in America. , abortion, debate Site: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: