Russia 1942 Battle of Rostov on Don Summer Offensive Fall Blau Case Blue
027 Russia 1942 Battle of RostovonDon Eastern Front Summer Campaign Offensive Sommeroffensive Fall Blau Flak, Tank Division German History Archive Subtitles: German, English, Russian 19 July 1942 24 July 1942 The Battle of Rostov was an episode of the Fall Blau operation, which lasted five days and faced the 56th Soviet Army, in retreat, against the 17th German Army and 1st Panzer Army that tried to surround it. It was a definite success for the Germans who, thanks to a commando action of the Brandenburg Regiment, took the bridges over the Don, the Bataysk Bridge and the dike to the south of the city, prevented the flooding of swamp allowed them to continue their progress towards the Caucasus. , history, ww2, Russia, Don, Rostov