What You Need To Be A CTO Simon Raik Allen YOW 2018
This presentation was recorded at YOW 2018. ,GOTOcon, YOW Simon RaikAllen CTO at Muso simonraikallen4483 RESOURCES ABSTRACT This talk covers the varied aspects of being a, CTO in both, LargeEnterprises and small, StartUps. The skills you need, your technical drivers, the political landscape, technology and architecture strategy, and 101 other things you didn t know were required in the role. RECOMMENDED BOOKS Christian Clausen Five Lines of Code Andy Oram Greg Wilson Beautiful Code Christian Mayer The Art of Clean Code Tom DeMarco Tim Lister Peopleware David Farley Modern Software Engineering , SoftwareEngineering, CTO, HowToBeACTO, SoftwareDevelopment, Programming, SimonRaikAllen, YOWcon Looking for a unique learning experience Attend the next GOTO conference near you Get your ticket at Sign up for updates and specials at SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL new videos posted almost daily.