Questions on Revelation Chapter 1 Mar. 24, 2018 Trent Wilde
This meeting covers questions such as: Are the first 3 verses of Revelation chapter one original to the text or were they added later Who was the author of the first three verses Are we saying that John didn t write the book of Revelation Is the statement: Every eye will see him Jesus at the second coming, even those who pierced him referring back to Daniel 12:2, or Zechariah where the prophecy of Jesus crucified is mentioned and it says: They will look upon me who they have pierced and mourn or is it thinking that the people who actually crucified Jesus would still be alive (Knowing the answer to this question might help date the writing of the text. ) When did the seven churches mentioned in Revelation exist Did they all exist as early as the first century Did John know these people in the churches personally Had he ever met them How wellknown was this John How did Revelation make it into the bible canon