Opposition lawmakers accuse Hung Hsiu chu of pushing for unification with China
Opposition legislators are accusing KMT presidential candidate Hung Hsiuchu of attempting to accelerate unification with China. Hung wants to base crossstrait relations on the principle of one China, common interpretation, an idea that she claims would force China to recognize the ROC government. Critics believe it would also pave a short path to unification. Hung HsiuchuKMT Presidential CandidateThe two sides of the strait should advance from the 1992 consensus. Rather than one China, with each side having its own interpretation or one China, without giving an interpretation, we should adopt the principle of one China, common Hsiuchiu believes that President Ma Yingjeous favored 1992 consensus is no longer sufficient. Her proposed one China, common interpretation sparked criticism from the ChimaiDPP LegislatorHung Hsiuchus crossstrait policy is vastly different from the policy used by President Ma in the past and advocated by Eric Chu now. When the KMT revises