Raga Megh ( Rain Melody) Maharishi Gandharva Veda
Dear spiritual friends, this RagaMegh (RainRaga) has a very soothing influence to the listerers Nature. It reduces tension heat in the atmospaehre. It brings also rain to the places it is played. Musician are AmarNath (Bansurflute) Somnath Mukhergee, Mukherjie (Tabla) come and I take you to our Garden listen to a beautiful Maharishi Gandharva Veda Music Performance. You can buy the CD Rain raga at: in my Shop too: This Raga is called Raga Megh; also known as the famous Rain Raga. Musician (Flute) Pandit Amar Nathji. Pictures Arrangement by Frank Lotz Pictures, Sound Videos from our garden. Jai Guru Dev